Thursday, July 31, 2008

Joining the club

Well, I finally decided to join the club with most of my other friends and turn 30. I guess it's some sort of milestone but it's not really that big of a deal to me. I've wanted to be married with kids basically my whole life. I'm living my dream so I couldn't be more happy to be thirty!
My Mom and Dad have been here for a week so we could go out and celebrate our anniversary and spend some quality time with the kiddos. We all went out and ate Mexican food and ate some yummy birthday cake. We are planning a trip to New Orleans in December after Ford is weaned to celebrate our anniversary and my birthday. It was a wonderful surprise and I can't wait to go to New Orleans - I've never been before!
Claire singing "Happy Birthday" to me. So precious it is worth the 30 years it took to get to the point that my 2 year old little girl is singing to me!

We've had a busy week around here and are looking forward to visiting with our good friends the Mareks this weekend. We have an abundance of babies being born to our friends recently. The baby boom started today with little Kathryn Elizabeth Maynord! We are waiting for news of the arrival of Frances Townsend and Caroline Ryle any minute! Nothing is sweeter than a little newborn baby. I thought maybe one would come on my birthday but no such luck. Oh, I also got my kitchen painted (thanks, Dad) for my birthday! I'm sooo excited. It looks awesome and it make me smile!
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1 comment:

The Kenyons said...

Welcome to the 30 club!! Glad you had a great birthday! the picture with you and the kids is great!! WOW they are getting big! It is sad we don't get to see more of each other but I too am enjoying keeping up on your blog!! Hope to see you when the next Shirley baby arrives!