Monday, October 08, 2007

Let the waiting begin . . .

39 weeks today and still no baby. We are being patient and trying to be old fashioned by not being induced (for one more week anyway!). I actually feel better than I have in weeks so it makes the waiting not so brutal. I've tried all of the "tricks" to no avail so I've decided to stop making life more complicated and just wait. We were hoping Ford would come a little early (OK more than a little early) on 9/28 since Rhett, Claire and my birthdays are all on 28ths but he apparently didn't realize how cool that would be and has decided to pick his "own" birthday. Typical second child . . . trying to be different.
My mom got here over the weekend to help with Claire during the final wait and while I'm in the hospital. It has been wonderful. I told Rhett we should consider taking another wife. Last night he cut the grass, I cooked dinner and Mom gave Claire a bath and got her ready for bed. I realized there is enough work around here for 3 people and by only having 2 we are each overloaded. I'm going to enjoy it while I can because in a week there will be enough work for 4 people to do!
We will keep everyone posted on baby news . . . Thanks for your prayers for Ford's safe arrival!

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