Claire Louise Shirley was born December 28, 2005 at 10:13am at Brookwood Hospital in Birmingham, AL. We were anxiously awaiting her arrival that was scheduled for the next day (induction). As I was tossing and turning on the night of the 27th trying to get some sleep I realized that my water broke! We got to the hospital about an hour later, I got my epidural about 2 hours later at 5.5 centimeters and several hours later after an hour and a half of pushing little Claire entered into this world and we will never be the same. She weighed in at 7 lbs 11oz and 20 1/4 inches long. Her sweet calm demeanor was apparent from the very beginning. As long as she can nurse she is one happy baby. We spent the next two days in the hospital and came home for the first time as a family instead of as a couple. I cried the first two nights we were home - not post partum depression - I cried because I loved her so much! I'm sure my hormones played a role but the truth is I have been completely smitten and consumed with love for her since the first time I saw her little face right after she was born. Giving birth and being a mother is the most amazing experience I could imagine. Rhett jokes that I've been training for this my entire life! It is a dream come true.