Saturday, April 17, 2010

Back at the farm

I kind of left you hanging on the Kembu farm pictures that I'm sure you are just dying to see. So without further a do here is the tour of the farm . . .

The main farm house that has been here for over a hundred years . . .

David took us on a wonderful farm walk . . .

Where we saw lots of cows . . .

and more cows . . .

We got to see the cows getting milked . . .

Which totally freaked Claire out (as did just about everything on the farm).

Ford loved all the animals including the calves who were just a few days old . . .

Next stop was the dalia farm where they grow the flowers to make dye.

This is a farm worker house

I just realized most of my other pictures are in our other camera. Oops. You will have to imagine the chickens and thoroughbred horses :)

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